Public Speaking Club

Public Speaking Club



The Public Speaking Club is a  platform that develops and refines the communication and presentation skills of the students.

Whether you are a novice or an experienced speaker, the club offers a supportive environment where  students can learn and practice public speaking, gain confidence, and receive constructive feedback.

The primary objectives of the club include:

  • Developing clear and effective communication skills.
  • Building confidence to speak in front of diverse audiences.
  • To prepare and polish the students for various speaking engagements, such as presentations, speeches, and debates.
  • Enhancing listening and critical thinking abilities.

  • Fostering a collaborative atmosphere where students can learn from each other’s experiences.

  • Through regular meetings, workshops, and events, students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and grow as confident, articulate speakers capable of inspiring and engaging audiences in any setting.

Committee Members

Dr. Swatti Dhanwni (Convenor)

Contact: 9602960194

Dr. Swati S. Sultania

Ms. Janis Hashmi

Ms. Astha Mathur

Dr. Shalini Sharma

Dr. Ankita R Kurup