Department of Botany
- Faculty Members
- Programs offered
- Department Activities
- Student Achievements
- Book Publications
Name: Dr. Ritu Gupta
Associate Professor
Qualification: MSc, PhD, NET
Experience: 21 Years
Awards and Recognitions
- Member of the Editorial Board of Int. Journal “Research in Plant Sciences”
- Academic Counselor - Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Research Papers
- Ritu Gupta. “Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) – An important plant of Ayurvedic system of medicine”. J. Med. Plant Studies. 4(4): 30-31, 2016.
- Ritu Gupta. “Ethnobotanical studies of Bael (Aegle marmelos): A sacred plant of Hindus”. Int. J. Herbal medicines. 4(4): 114-115, 2016.
- Ritu Gupta. “Effect of salt stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Trigonella foenum-graecum”. J. Mendel. 33(1), 2016.
- Ritu Gupta. “Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plant – Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris)”. Int. J. Herbal medicines. 5(6): 73-74, 2017.
- Ritu Gupta. “Sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources by Indigenous People.. Proceedings of National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences”. Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. 2017. pp 49. ISBN- 978-93-5288-972-3
Books & Chapters
- Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology 2019, ISBN – 978-93-84182-96-0, College Book House, Jaipur
- Lichens, Microbiology and Plant Pathology. College Book House, Jaipur.
- Intellectual Property Rights-A right to Inventor. Innovation in Bioscience. Vital Biotech Publication. ISBN- 978-93-92953-97
Name: Dr. Ritu Jain
Associate Professor
Qualification: MSc, PhD
Experience: 20 years
- Empanelled Academic Counselor of IGNOU.
- Had been Approved Analyst from the Ministry of Environment and Forest for Team Institute of Technology and Science in the field of Environmental Analysis.
- Had been Member of Institutional Animals Ethics Committee of LBS College of Pharmacy, Jaipur
- Life Member “Society for Plant Research”
- Reviewer for “International Journal of Agriculture Science”, Bioinfo Publications.
Research Papers
- Ritu Jain, “Taxonomic Account of Green algae from Alwar (Rajasthan) India, - Oedogoniales”, VEGETOS- 29 (pp 30-36) 2016 (Print ISSN: 0970-4078; Online ISSN: 2229-4473)
- Ritu Jain, P. K. Jain, “Blue Green Algal Flora of Alwar (Raj) India”, VEGETOS-31 (pp 59-61) 2018 (Print ISSN: 0970-4078; Online ISSN: 2229-4473)
- Aparna B Rathore, Dr Ritu Jain, Bharti, Jagrati Agarwal and Hemlata Tatwal, Effect Of Organic Products (Organic Fertilizers, Pesticides And Growth Promoters) On Fertility, Yield And Quality Of Cicer arietinum L (Chickpea), International Journal of Recent Scientific Research-11 (6) (38818- 38823) 2020 (0976-3031)
- Ritu Jain, Phyto-Remediation- A Sustainable Technology to Remediate Heavy Metal Pollution, Innovative Green Technologies For Sustainable Sanitation, Health & Environment (IGTSHE-2016), Poornima College of Engineering, 2016 (978-81-930-894-3-9)
- Ritu Jain, Potential Phyto-Pharmacology of Catharanthus roseus, Instrumentation Techniques for Research in Chemical Sciences (WITRCS-2017), KMM, Jaipur, 2017 (978-93-5291-1)
- Ritu Jain, Herbal Adaptogens in Countering Stress, BICON-2017, Biyani Group of Colleges, 2017 (978-93- 83462-94-0)
- Ritu Jain, Environmental Accounting in India: Statutory Framework, Innovations and Emerging Trends in Global Economy: Opportunities and Challenges and Advanced Research and Technological Issues in Management, Commerce, Economics, Education, Gender Studies and Information Technology, KMM, Jaipur, 2019 (2395-7069)
- Ritu Jain, Bio-Diversity, Bio-Piracy & Bio- Prospecting: Indian Perspective, National Seminar on IPR management in biodiversity conservation: Implication of Access benefit sharing TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Act, KMM, Jaipur, (pp 102-109) 2020 (978-93-5396-760-4)
Books & Chapters
- A Chapter titled “Spirulina – Cultivation Technique” in a book titled “Methods and Tools in Biosciences” Published by Centre for Advanced Research & Development, Jaipur, ISBN: 9789353516017
- Editorial Support for Book Titled “Blue Green Algal Flora of Alwar & its Environ”, Published by RSBA Publishers, Jaipur, ISBN: 9788176117739
- A chapter titled “Phycotoxins: A Review” in book titled “Environmental Toxicology” ISBN9789385125661 Published by M. R. Publication, New Delhi
Other Highlights
Organizing Secretary
- National Seminar on “IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefit Sharing TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts” Organized in collaboration with State Biodiversity Board, 2020
- Workshop on “Capacity Building for Assessing Jaipur City Biodiversity Index 2019” Organized in collaboration with State Biodiversity Board, 2019
- Workshop camp on “Entrepreneurship Awareness” organized in collaboration with Rajasthan Consultancy Organization sponsored by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India & EDI
Name: Dr. Reema Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D
Experience: 13 years
Awards and Recognitions
- Received Fellow award under young scientist category by the Society of Plant Research.
- Received Women Scientist award 2022 by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan.
- Member in the Editorial Board. SIFTDESK PUBLICATIONS, US.
- Journal reviewer in IRA: International J. of Applied Sciences.
- Journal reviewer in Natural Research Products Journal. Taylor and Francis Group.
- Member in the Editorial Board. Archives of Endocrinology and Diabetes Care (ENDC).
- Member in the Editorial Board. Hong Kong Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Reviewer: J. of Crop Technology and Agricultural Sciences
- Editor/Reviewer :J. of Endocrinology and Exocrinology
- Member in the Editorial Board: Oncology Research Review & Reports
Academic Counselor
- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
- Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota
Research Papers
- Srivastava R, et al. 2023. Effect of different doses of Sodium azide on cytogenetical and biochemical changes in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum). Biological Forum-An International Journal. 15(2):1119-1123.
- Srivastava R. 2022 Effect of zinc as a free radical scavenger in Tagetes erecta : A peroxidase enzyme study. International J. of Recent Scientific Research. Vol 13 (5);1243-1246.
- Srivastava 2021. Man-Animal Conflict. Varda. Quarterly Newsletter of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol 2, Issue:1 (Jan-March 2021).
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2020. The medicinal significance of Datura stramonium-A Review. Biomedical J. of Scientific & Technical Research. 29(2):22223-6.
- Srivastava R. Influence of light on the germination of seeds and growth of plantlets: An experimental study. Int. J. of Theoretical & Applied Sciences. 12(1): 17-21.
- Solanki Y and Srivastava R. Relevance of access benefits sharing in biodiversity conservation. National Seminar on “IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefits Sharing, TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts”. January 17-18, 2020 in association with Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board and DST at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidylaya Jaipur. Proceedings ISBN NO. 978-93-5396-760-4.
- Srivastava R, and Singh S. 2019. Evaluation of Polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced water stress on germination and seedling growth in Vigna radiate L. Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Sciences. 1(1): 1-4.
- Srivastava R, Agarwal J, Pareek M and Verma A. 2019. Mutagenic effect of Sodium azide (NaN3) on seed germination and chlorophyll content of Spinach oleracea. Indian J of Pure and Applied Science. 7(4), 366-370.
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2019. Scope of Some Medicinal Plants in Certain Women Health Disorders as Traditional Remedy. Journal of Endocrinology. 3(2): 000141.
- Srivastava R, Singh S, Sharma T, Bhavya and Nitu Kumari. 2018. Morphological evaluation of Trigonella foenum-graecum under the influence of colchicine with special reference of its vegetative characteristics. International journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. 5(11): 41-51.
- Srivastava R, Agarwal J and Chandani D. 2018. Effects of salinity stress on growth and yield of Aloe Vera L. Biological Forum- An International Journal. 10(2): 86-89.
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2018. Lipid lowering activity of some medicinal plants: A review of literature. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research. 9(1): 1-4.
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2018. Characterization of seed storage protein pattern of Amaranthus viridis: SDS-PAGE study. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research. 6(1): 1-4.
- Srivastava P, Srivastava S and Srivastava R. 2018. HbA1c Glycated Hemoglobin: Perfect tool to curb the diabetes. Open Access Journal of Endocrinology. 2(2): 000127.
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2018. Hepatotoxicity and the role of some herbal hepatoprotective plants in present scenario. Global Journal of Digestive Diseases. 4(2:3): 1-4.
- Srivastava R, Trivedi D, Shukla G and Srivastava P. 2018. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis: A wonder Indian herbal drug needs healthcare attention. Biomedical journal of scientific and technical research. 5(3): 1-4.
- Srivastava R and Srivastava P. 2018. Gymnema Sylvester: An herbal hope of diabetes care and management. Archives of Endocrinology and Diabetes Care 1(3): 129-135.
- Srivastava, P, Srivastava, S and Srivastava, R. 2017. Biliary Sludge: We can avoid punishing gallbladder by Srivastava regimen of integrated approach of medicine? of Liver Research, Disorders and Therapy. 3(5) 00068.
- Srivastava, R, Shukla, G and Sharma, S. 2017. Phytochemical importance of Mimusops elengi: An emerging present and promising future. Innoriginal International J. of Sciences. Vol 4(1): 1-3. ISSN No. 2349-7041.
- Sharma, S. and Srivastava, R. Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of Saraca asoca (Ashoka): A review. National Workshop on Instrumentation Techniques for Research in Chemical Sciences. 2017, 67-71.
- Srivastava, R. 2017. Fluorescent in situ hybidizatin (FISH): Current status in clinical cytogenetic diagnostics. National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences.
- Srivastava, R. Lead (Pb) Toxicity- A Real Masquerading Lethal Weapon For Environmental Hazards. Innovative Green Technologies For Sustainable Sanitation, Health & Environment. IGTSHE. 2016.
- Srivastava, R, Anand, A and Mathur, P. 2016. Cadmium induced toxicity in plants: Impact on growth, development and biochemical attributes. International Research J. of Natural and Applied Sciences. Vol 3: 185-195.
Books & Chapters
Methods and Tools in Biosciences Publisher: Centre for Advanced Research and Development. Jaipur ISBN- 978-93-5351-601-7.
- Srivastava R and Mohanan P. 2021. Climate change-process, characteristics and threats. Environment stress and Human Health. Publisher Kaptan Netram Singh Charitable Trust Jaipur. ISBN NO 978-81-949980-1-3. PP 18-25
- Srivastava R, Bhavya and Sakshi Singh. 2019. Introduction, Principle, Instrumentation and Application of SDS-PAGE Technique. Methods and Tools in Biosciences. Published by Centre for Advanced Research and Development. Jaipur.
- Srivastava R. 2017. Heavy metal toxicity and its impact on environment and human health. Published by M. R. Publications, New Delhi. 2017.
Other highlights
Resource person
- A subject based Online Teaching Program initiated by Department of College Education Rajasthan titled “Gyandoot”.
- One week Faculty Development Program on “Know-How of Virtual Learning. May 20-26, 2020 at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur.
- Three Days state level Faculty Development Program on “Know-How of Virtual Learning”. September 2-4, 2020.
- Three Days National Workshop on “CSIR-UGC-NET-JRF-LS Preparation IN Life Sciences. Part 6. January 15-17, 2021. Organized by Botany4U.
Name: Dr. Aparna B Rathore
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc., SET, Ph. D.
Experience: 11 Years
Awards and Recognitions
- Received International Young Scientist award 2016 by International Science Community Association.
- Awarded Bharat Ratna Dr. Abdul Kalam Gold Medal Award by GEPRA, at 58th National Unity Conference, Chennai On 27th October 2018.
- Received Women Scientist award 2022 by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Research Papers
- Aparna B Rathore Carbon accounting: A tool to mitigate climate change for a greener world International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science & Social Science (IJEMMASSS) ISSN : 2581-9925, Volume 01, No. 03, July - September, 2019, pp.61-65
- Dr Aparna B Rathore, Dr Ritu Jain, Bharti, Jagrati Agarwal and Hemlata Tatwal, Effect Of Organic Products (Organic Fertilizers, Pesticides And Growth Promoters) On Fertility, Yield And Quality Of Cicer arietinum L (Chickpea), International Journal of Recent Scientific Research-11 (6) (38818- 38823) 2020 (0976-3031)
Books and chapters:
- Dr Aparna B Rathore, Innovative Approaches for Climate Change Mitigation, National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences, KMM, Jaipur, 2017 (978-93-5288-972-3)
- Lipid Analysis, Techniques and Estimation Procedures, Chapter 3, published in book, Methods and Tools in Biosciences, eds. Gajraj, A and Srivastava R, published by Centre for Advanced Research and Development, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, 2019. ISBN: 978-93-5351-601-7. Pp: 21-44.
- Aparna B Rathore, Bioprospecting and Biopiracy: Impact on Biodiversity, National Seminar on ‘IPR management in biodiversity conservation: Implication of Access benefit sharing TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts, KMM, Jaipur, (pp 20-24) 2020, (978-93-5396-760-4)
Other Highlights
Resource person: Gyandoot, Department of college education, Rajasthan, State level programme for subject based online live classes 9th June to 31st July, 2021
Name: Dr. Yogita Solanki
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc., M. Phil, B. ed. SET, Ph. D.
Experience: 11 Years
Research Papers
- Yogita Solanki, Aanchal Madan. 2017. Mindfulness in life. Indian- Japan International Conference (BICON-2017) on Work, Stress and Health organized by Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur. Proceeding ISBN: 978-93-83462-94-0 pp.74.
- Yogita Solanki, Reema Srivastava, Pooja Mangal. 2020. Relevance of access benefits sharing in biodiversity conservation. National Seminar on “IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefits Sharing, TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts”. January 17-18, 2020 in association with Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board and DST at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. Proceedings ISBN: 978-93-5896-760-4.
- Yogita Solanki, Anoop Kumar, Amit Kotiya, Praveen Mohil. 2020. Solanum americanum (Solanaceae) An addition to the flora of Rajasthan: In the arid and semiarid region of India. International Journal of Botany Studies. 5(2): 210-212. (ISSN: 2455-541X)
- Anoop Kumar, Yogita Solanki, Amit Kotiya, Praveen Mohil. 2020. Solanum villosum (Solanaceae): New Addition to the Flora of Rajasthan, India. Ambient Science. 07(1): 34-35. (ISSN- 2348 5191 (Print) & 2348 8980 (Electronic))
- Amit Kotiya, Yogita Solanki, Jai Singh, Shikha Gupta, Vinay Kumar, Deepika Gunpal. 2020. Solanum violaceumortega (Solanaceae): A new species for Rajasthan state, India. International Journal of Botany Studies. 6(1): 102-104. (ISSN: 2455-541X)
- Radhe Shyam, Amit Kotiya, Yogita Solanki, N.C. Aery. 2020. Alopecurus aequalissobolewski (Poaceae): A new generic record for the state of Rajasthan (Indian Thar Desert). International Journal of Botany Studies. 5(4): 303-305. (ISSN: 2455-541X)
- Yogita Solanki, Amit Kotiya. 2021. Floristic Diversity of Umari Dham Sacred Grove in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The Holistic Approach to Environment. 11(2021) 4: 109-121. (ISSN: 1848-0071).
- Sushma Gupta, Yogita Solanki, Deepika Gunpal, Shikha Gupta, Amit Kotiya. 2021. Some important medicinal plants of Rajasthan, India. International Journal of Botany Studies. 6(3): 954-958. (ISSN: 2455-541X).
- Pooja Mangal, Yogita Solanki, Papita Choudhary, Shikha Gupta and Amit Kotiya. 2023. Ceropegia Threatened and Less Known Genus of Rajasthan. The Journal of Plant Science Research. 39(3): 203-215. (ISSN: 0970-2539, e-ISSN: 0976-3880).
- Anoop Kumar, Yogita Solanki, Sunil Kumar Sharma, Naveen Kumar. Corynandra chelidonii pallai (Reddy and Raju) V.S. Raju (Cleomaceae) - An Addition to the Flora of Rajasthan, India. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) 23(3): 69-74. (ISSN: 2220-6655 Print, 2222-5234 Online).
- Yogita Solanki, Naveen Kumar, Archana Meena, Jai Singh, Amit Kotiya. 2023. Bidens bipinnata (Asteraceae): A new species record to Rajasthan state, India. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) 23(5): 54-59. (ISSN: 2220-6655 Print, 2222-5234 Online).
Books and chapters:
- Flora of Rajasthan. 2020. Published by Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board, Jaipur.
- Intellectual Property Rights- A right to Inventor. Innovation in Bioscience. Vital Biotech Publication. ISBN- 978-93-92953-97.
Name: Dr. Kamakshi Tomar
Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc., MBA, Ph. D
Experience: 13 Years
Awards and Recognitions
- Member, Board of Studies (BOS), The IIS University, Jaipur
- Best oral presentation award in National Conference on Environmental Challenges, Human Health and Society with collaboration of International Society for Life Sciences
Research Papers
- Kamakshi Tomar, Shilpi Rijhwani. Extraction, Isolation and Identification of pharmaceutically active compound Tetrapentaconate from n-Hexane extract of Jasminum grandiflorum stem through GC-MS. National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences. Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. 2017. pp 49. Proceedings ISBN- 978-93-5288-972-3
- Poonam Sharma, Kamakshi Tomar. Role of Government Agencies in the Regulation of IPR. National Seminar on “IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefits Sharing, TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts”. January 17-18, 2020 in association with Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board and DST at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya Proceedings ISBN NO. 978-93-5396-760-4.
- Kamakshi Tomar, Shilpi Rijhwani, Puneet Rijhwani. 2021. Evaluation of phytochemicals found in the leaves of Jasminum sambac for antimicrobial activity. Journal of MGUMST, Volume 5 Issue 3 ,eISSN 2456-8406.
Books and chapters
- Kamakshi Tomar, Shilpi Rijhwani. 2021.Discovering the Therapeutic Potential of the much-admired Aromatic Plant Jasminum, Medicinal Plants Herbal Wealth of India. Author Dr. (Mrs.) Indu Rani Sharma, Dr. (Prof.) PC Trivedi India. p. 67-101. Publisher M/S Agrobios Research.
- Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics. Neelkanth Publishers (P) Ltd., Jaipur.
- Intellectual Property Rights-A right to Inventor. Innovation in Bioscience. Vital Biotech Publication. ISBN- 978-93-92953-97.
Other Highlights
- Resource Person: Faculty Development Programme on Software for Academic Endeavour held on 5th January, 2021 at Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur
Support Staff
Name: Mr. Rakesh Sharma
Designation: Lab Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc, B.Ed
Experience: 11 Years
Name: Ms. Neetu Sharma
Designation: Lab Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc, B.A., M.A.
Experience: 14 Years
Name: Ms. Saroj Saini
Designation: Lab Bearer
Qualification: 12th Pass
Experience: 23 Years
Name: Mr. Suresh Saini
Designation: Lab Bearer
Qualification: 12th Pass
Experience: 13 Years
Programs offered
UG0802 Three/Four Year Bachelor of Science (Bio Group)
Subject : Botany
Part I | |||
Semester I Credit | Semester II Credit | ||
BOT-51T-101 - Cell Biology and Diversity of Plant Kingdom-I | 4 | BOT-52T-103 - Molecular Biology, Genetics and Diversity of Plant Kingdom-II | 4 |
BOT-51P-102-Practical-I | 2 | BOT-52P-104-Practical-II | 2 |
Total Credit | 6 | Total Credit | 6 |
Part II | |||
Semester III Credit | Semester IV Credit | ||
BOT-63T-201 - Microbiology and Plant Pathology | 4 | BOT-64T-203 - Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany | 4 |
BOT-63P-202-Practical-III | 2 | BOT-64P-204-Practical-IV | 2 |
Total Credit | 6 | Total Credit | 6 |
Part III | |||
Semester V Credit | Semester VI Credit | ||
BOT-75T-301-Plant Biochemistry and Physiology | 4 | BOT-76T-303-Angiosperm Anatomy and Embryology | 4 |
BOT-75P-302-Practical-V | 2 | BOT-76P-304-Practical-VI | 2 |
Total Credit | 6 | Total Credit | 6 |
UG Courses
B.Sc. -Pass Course
PG Courses
M.Sc- Botany (Semester Scheme)
Program Outcomes (B. Sc.)
Students get trained in various areas of plant sciences and enhance their skills. They understand the basics of botany and fundamental processes of plants. They learn to carry out practical work in the lab as well as in the field. They understand the environmental issues and their impact on society. Students learn to communicate through various electronic modes and express themselves effectively.
- Understand the basic concepts of Cell Biology, Ecology, Microbiology, Genetics and Plant Breeding along with Morphology, Anatomy, Embryology and Physiology of plants.
- Identify the plants on the basis of taxonomic characters and learn the economic importance of plants and their uses for social welfare.
- Learn the classification and characteristics of Algae, Fungi, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, and Gymnosperms as well as identify plant diseases on the basis of their symptoms and learn control measures.
Program Outcomes (M. Sc.- Botany)
After completing Post Graduation in Botany the students get equipped with subject domain knowledge and technical skills pertaining to plants in a holistic manner. Practical application of theoretical concepts is taught with substantial coverage of practical and field works. They have exposure to the latest technologies that are currently used in the subject. The students become competent in various analytical, molecular and technical skills related to botany and learn applications of the instrumentation. It makes them capable of performing short research projects in botany and develops scientific temperament and research aptitude. The students are able to qualify competitive exams like NET, SET and GATE.
- Learn diversity and classification of Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms as well as learn isolation and culture of Fungi and Algae.
- Understand the ultrastructure and function of cell membranes, cell to cell communications, signal transduction and evolution.
- Understand principles of taxonomy and are able to prepare artificial keys for easy identification of plants.
- Gain knowledge on the concept of plant pathology and microbiology.
- Learn the internal structure and their morphological development of plants through advanced microscopic techniques.
- Acquire basic proficiency in common lab techniques of molecular biology.
- Acquire advanced knowledge of plant physiology and biochemistry.
- Get deep insight into plant tissue culture, genetic engineering and phytochemistry.
- Understand molecular and physiological adaptations in plants in response to biotic and abiotic stress.
Career opportunities
They can be employed by various recruiting companies, agencies and organizations like: Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Wildlife Institute of India, Forest Research Institute, Union Public Service Commission, Recruitment for Research Associate (Botany), Botanical Survey of India, Indian Agricultural Research Institute and Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFR) etc.
After completing Graduation and Post-graduation from Botany students can pursue their career as Taxonomist, Agriculturist, Researcher, Curator (Herbarium), Cell biologist, Entrepreneur, Florist, Ecologist, Forestry consultant, Laboratory Assistant, Nursery Operator, Research Assistant, Soil Scientist, University Professor.
The Department prepared a book “Plants in the campus” describing various fruit trees, ornamental, seasonal, indoor and wild plants present in the college campus.

Session 2016-17 | |
Event/Activity | Date |
Power point Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 11thNovember,2016 |
Botanical Excursion to Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur | 16th November,2016 |
Science Chart/ Model Exhibition | 07th December,2016 |
Extension lecture – Biodiversity conservation-policies and challenges by Dr. Soumana Datta, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Rajasthan | 19th January,2016 |
Session 2017-18 | |
Extension lecture – Plant Identification and Artificial Key Preparation by Dr. Amit Kotiya, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Rajasthan | 08th September,2017 |
UN Day Celebration – Ozone Day (Poster making competition) | 15th September,2017 |
Powerpoint Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 19th September,2017 |
Wildlife week Celebration (Photography Competition) | 10th October,2017 |
CSR activity - Maruti Drive Safe Program in association with Maruti Driving School and Institute of Driving and Traffic Research | 11th October,2017 |
Extension lecture – Tools and Techniques in Molecular Biology by Dr. Rohit Jain, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Biosciences, | 01st November,2017 |
Botanical Excursion to Bisalpur Dam, Tonk | 09th November,2017 |
Science Chart/ Model Exhibition | 29th November,2017 |
National seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences in collaboration with Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) Jaipur Chapter and NABARD | 15-16th December,2017 |
Session 2018-19 | |
Powerpoint Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 03rd October,2018 |
Extension lecture –PCR and RT PCR by Dr. C.P. Singh, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Rajasthan | 05th October,2018 |
Botanical Excursion to Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur and Fatehpur Sikri | 22nd November,2018 |
Science Chart/ Model Exhibition | 05th December,2018 |
Hands on workshop on Genetic modification of desired genes using CRISPR Technology in association with E-cell fest, IIT Kharagpur | 22-23 January,2019 |
Session 2019-20 | |
Power point Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 19th September,2019 |
Extension lecture – Calculating City Biodiversity Index ( Singapore Index) : Effective Strategies by Dr. Soumana Datta, Head, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Rajasthan | 24th September,2019 |
Botanical Excursion to Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary | 01st October,2019 |
Group discussion on Medicinal Importance of Ingredients of Indian Food for B. Sc. Part III | 02nd October,2019 |
Powerpoint Presentation by M. Sc. Sem I students | 14th October,2019 |
Science Chart/ Model Exhibition | 11th December,2019 |
Session 2020-21 | |
Wildlife week Celebration (Quiz, Poster and Powerpoint presentations) | 3-8th October,2020 |
Powerpoint Presentation by M. Sc. Sem III students | 15-17th December,2020 |
Three days’ workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques for young researchers | 28-30th January, 2021 |
Session 2021-22 | |
UN Day Celebration – Ozone Day ( Virtual talk on Introduction to the Earth’s sunscreen: The ozone layer) By Ms. Prasphutita Nanda, Scientific officer, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board | 16th September,2021 |
Power point Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 27th September,2021 |
Virtual Plant Identification Quiz for PG students | 27th October, 2021 |
Virtual Plant Identification Quiz for UG students | 26th November,2021 |
Powerpoint Presentation by M. Sc. Sem II students | 3rd December,2021 |
Workshop on Tray Garden by Ms. Anshul Avasthi, Founder Anaya creations | 4th December,2021 |
Extension lecture – Elements of Scientific writing- Some Do’s and Don’ts By Dr. Deepak Kumar Gupta, Consultant statistician & Chief Analyst, C DART. | 28th January,2022 |
Session 2022-23 | |
Botanical Excursion to Keoladev National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan | 6th August,2022 |
Power point Presentation by B. Sc. Part II students | 14th October,2022 |
Science Chart/Model Exhibition | 16th November, 2022 |
Power point Presentation by M. Sc. Sem I students | 13th December, 2022 |
Two days workshop on Field and Herbarium Techniques | 20-21January, 2023 |
Session 2023-24 | |
Ozone Day Celebration | 16th September, 2023 |
Botanical excursion to Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary | 7th October, 2023 |
PowerPoint Presentation by M.Sc. Students | 11th December, 2023 |
Name of the student | Year | Exam Qualified | Name of the Institution Joined |
Barkha Chhipa | 2020 | CSIR-NET JRF | Banasthali Vidyapeeth (for Ph.D) |
Kiran Choudhary | 2020 | CSIR-NET | Banasthali Vidyapeeth (for Ph.D) |
Taruna Sharma | 2020 , 2021 | CSIR-NET , GATE | Banasthali Vidyapeeth (for Ph.D) |
Sakshi Singh | 2021 | GATE | Byju's Tuition Centre, Jaipur (As Biology Faculty) |
Jagrati Agarwal | 2020 , 2021 | Ph. D. Entrance (RET), CSIR -NET | Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur |
Hemlata Tatwal | 2021 | CSIR-NET | - |
Nitu Choudhary | 2021 | Tirupati College of Technical Education, Jaipur (Lecturer) | |
Bhavya | 2021 | Parishkar International College, Jaipur (As Online Educator) | |
Aanchal Madan | 2021 | PGT Cambridge (JPG School) | |
Aditi Choudhary | 2022 | Interview for Project Associate | CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi |
Yogita Meena | 2022 | NET JRF | |
Anugunja Varma | 2022 | NET | |
Manisha Bai | 2022 | NET JRF | CDRI Lucknow |
Anshu | 2022 | NET JRF | University of Delhi |
Shivani Meena | 2023 | R-SET | |
Rekha Todawata | 2023 | R-SET, NET | |
Monika Yadav | 2023 | R-SET | |
Divya Soni | 2023 | GATE | |
Neetu | 2023 | NET | |
Meeni Kumari | 2023 | NET | |
Alina Khan | 2023 | NET | |
Vaishali Sharma | 2024 | Parishkar International College (Asst. Prof.) |