Centre for Gender Studies of Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur organised
a poster making competition on the theme ” Gender Identity in Indian Society” on
November 23, 2022 at 12:30 pm in room no. 44. 30 students participated in this
competition. Students give messages like combating gender stereotypes, preventing
violence against women, gauranteing equal access of women to justice, achieving
balanced participation of women and men in public decision making through
posters. Judgement was given by Dr. Richa Chaturvedi, HOD Home Science. First
position is secured by Sakshi Tanwar, B.A Part I. Second position is secured by
Richa Rai, B.Com Part I and third position is secured by Isha Singh Chauhan, B.A
Part III and Pooja Singh, M.Sc Zoology Semester III. Certificates were given by
Dr. Sweety Mathur to the position holders. Students were motivated by the words
of Principal ma’am.