Entrepreneurship Club

Entrepreneurship Club


Entrepreneurship Club drives to nurture seeds of entrepreneurship and self-employment among its students. This club inculcates core business skills and enables students to convert hobby and innovative ideas into business ideas. It gives them exposure to the world of business through interaction with successful business-persons. The Club includes activities which equip students with the knowledge, skill, techniques and confidence to act as torch bearers of the enterprise for the new generation.

Committee Members

Dr. Priyanka Khurana (Convenor)

Mail : priyanka.k@kanoriacollege.in

Contact : 9828667067

Ms. Sheelu

Contact : 9680555394

Ms. Parul Sharma

Ms. Shilpa Pareek

Dr. Sneha Nandwana



  • Chat Show titled ‘Startup Sparks: First Step Towards Entrepreneurial Journey’
  • Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in India: Psychology of Winning
  • 7-Day workshop on ‘Handmade Business Ideas’
  • Kanoria’s Fiesta 2023


  • Interactive Session on ‘Let’s talk about Women Entrepreneurship’
  • Orientation Program “Passion to Profession”
  • Kanoria’s Fiesta 2022
  • Inspirational Talk on “How to Embrace the Challenge & Thrive as an Entrepreneur?”
  • Trip to ‘Bhamashah Techno Hub’ & Digital Museum


  • Journey of a Woman Entrepreneur
  • Kanoria’s Fiesta 2021
  • Two-day Entrepreneurship Development programme ‘Passion to Profession’
  • Two- day Online Workshop ‘Learning by Doing’
  • Session on ‘How to Accelerate Growth through Cost- Benefit Analysis’


  • Interaction with Young Entrepreneur
  • Bring Home the Festival ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Lifestyle Workshop
  • Virtual Exhibition Kanoria’s E-Expo
  • ‘Let’s Bake a Cake’ Workshop
  • Women in Business- Leading New India’s Growth Agenda

2019- 2020

  • Case Study Presentation Competition on ‘Social Entrepreneurship’
  • October Fest
  • Quiz Competition ‘Kaun Banega Udyami’

2018 – 2019

  • How to Kick Start your Own Venture
  • Industrial Visit to Small Scale Cottage Industry
  • Octo- Jollification Fest

2017- 2018

  • Industrial Visit to Jaipur Rugs
  • One-day Workshop on ‘Recreate the Created’
  • Food Zone
  • How to become Foodpreneurs
  • Five-day Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development
  • Three-day Christmas Carnival

2016- 2017

  • Bandhanwar making
  • Bakery Workshop
  • Interactive session on Requisites of a Successful Entrepreneur