Department of Zoology
- Faculty Members
- Programs offered
- Department Activities
- Student Achievements
Name: Dr Ranjana Agrawal (Vice-Principal Science & HOD)
Qualification: M.Sc -Zoology (Cell and Molecular Biology), Ph.D.,NET,SET, PDF(CSIR)
Experience: 24 Years
Additional Qualification ▪ Certificate Course of Computer Application, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 1991. ▪ Certificate Course in Computing, IGNOU, Delhi, 2002 Awards and Recognitions Completed research project Publications Research Papers : Books & Chapters Any other highlights
Name: Dr. Sunita Shekhawat
Qualification: M.Sc, SET, Ph.D (Zoology) LLB, LLM, Ph.D (Law)
Experience: 19 years
Awards and Recognitions Award of Excellence in Higher Education on International Women's Day on 8th March 2022 by Shubh Vichar Society Jaipur. Award of “Women Leadership in Disaster Management” on 2nd October, 2018 by Safety Professionals Association of India “Surakshit Bharat Mission”. Completed research project: Publications Research Papers: Books & Chapters Chapter “Bio-Medical Waste Laws in India” published in edited book ‘Environmental Toxicology’ published by M. R. Publications, New Delhi; ISBN-978-93-86125-65-1 (2017) Any other highlights
Name: Dr. Anita Gajraj
Qualification: M.Sc. (Zoology – Cancer Biology), Ph.D.
Experience: 16 years
Awards and Recognitions
- Academic Counsellor IGNOU SC – 23142 for the program B.Sc. LSE 01, 02, 03 & 04.
- Global Teacher Award (2020) from AKS Education Awards, awarded on 20th December, 2020.
- Research Inspiration Award 2020 from International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (ISSN: 2455-3778), awarded on 14th February, 2021.
Completed Research Project:
Doctoral thesis:
- Synthetic pyrethroids and their effect on reproductive physiology of male albino rats
Research Papers:
- Sharma, A.K., Chundawat, M.S. and Gajraj, A. (2021). Effects of aerobic exercises on lipid profile of Diabetes mellitus type-2 patients. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research. XIII(VI), 716-721.
- Dinesh, M., Kaushik, P., Sharma, V., Gajraj, A. and Kachhawa, J.B.S. (2019). Avifaunal diversity from different wetlands of Beawar (Ajmer), India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. 6(2), 894-898.
- Dinesh, M., Kaushik, P., Sharma, V., Yadav, D., Gajraj, A. and Kachhawa, J.B.S. (2019). Avifaunal Diversity of Bisalpur Dam and nearby Area of Tehsil Deoli, District Tonk (Rajasthan), India. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. 7(VI), 698-709.
- Gajraj, A. and Saxena, R. (2019). Entrepreneurship: a weapon to fight with unemployment. GAP iNTERDISCIPLINARITIES. 2(1), 6-9.
- Kachhawa, P.S., Joshi, A. and Gajraj, A. (2018). An assessment of teacher’s job satisfaction and its possible effects on student achievements. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology. 9(1), 152–154.
Books & Chapters:
- ‘Innovative Approaches in Biosciences’. (2017). Edited by: Saxena, R., Agarwal, R., Gupta, R., Gajraj, A. and Rathore A.B. Published by Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur.
- .‘Methods and Tools in BioSciences’. (2019). Gajraj, A. and Srivastava, R. (Eds.) Published by: Centre for Advanced Research and Development.
Book Chapters:
- Gajraj, A. (2020). Intellectual property rights: a significant tool for biodiversity conservation. Published in ‘Proceeding of National Seminar on IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefit Sharing, TRIP/CBDand Biodiversity Acts’. Edited by: Shekhawat, S. and Jain R. Published by: Organizing Secretary of the National Seminar, Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur.
- Gajraj, A. and Saxena R. (2019). Micrometry: a technique to measure the dimensions of microscopic structures. Published in ‘Methods and tools in biosciences’. Edited by: Gajraj, A. and Srivastava R. Published by Centre for Advanced Research and Development. P 45-51.
- Kachhawa, J.B.S. and Gajraj, A. (2019). Microtomy – an in vitro technique for histological observation. Published in ‘Methods and tools in biosciences’. Edited by: Gajraj, A. and Srivastava, R. Published by Centre for Advanced Research and Development. P 52-71.
- Gajraj, A. (2017). Ecotourism: a new approach to save biodiversity along with employment opportunities. Proceeding of ‘National Seminar on Innovative Approaches in Biosciences’. Edited by: Saxena, R., Agarwal, R., Gupta, R., Gajraj, A. and Rathore A.B. Published by Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. P 1-8.
Any other highlights:
- Two week Refresher Course in ‘Life Sciences’. From 01st Sep. to 15th Sep., 2021. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Miranda House, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Seven Days Online Faculty Development Program on the theme ‘Policy Initiative and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education’. From 05-05-2021 to 11-05-2021. Organized by Academic Research Group, Kolar.
- One Week Certificate Course on ‘Apiculture’. From 13 July to 19 July, 2020. Organized by Department of Zoology, Balwant College, Vita, Sangli (M.S.) India
- Four Week Induction / Orientation Programme for ‘Faculty in Universities / Colleges / Institutes of Higher Education’. From June 26 - July 24, 2020. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Under the aigis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Entrepreneurship, Incubation and Innovation’. From June 23 to June 29, 2020. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Two Week Online Workshop on ‘Comprehensive e-Learning to e-Training guide for Administrative Work’. From May 25th to June 05th, 2020. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on ‘Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating Moocs’. From April 20 - May 06, 2020. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Orientation Programme for “Academic Counselors” on 4 February, 2018 organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Regional Centre, Jaipur.
- Orientation programme for “Academic Counselors” from 23 to 24 September, 2016 organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Regional Centre, Ahmedabad.
- Attended more than 20 workshops and seminars.
- Reviewed research articles for National repute journals.
Name: Dr. Shipra Goyal
Qualification: M.Sc. (Zoology: Cancer Biology); Ph.D. (Title: Preclinical studies on Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity of Methanol Sub-fraction of Seeds of Carica papaya in rats), SRF, RA, PDF (ICMR)
Experience: 18 years
Research Experience (Indian Council Medical Research - Projects)
- Senior Research Fellow (SRF) : Preclinical investigations on the molecular mechanism of testicular/post testicular contraceptive effect of the seed products of Carica papaya.
Research Associate (RA) : Aetiology of abnormal sperm function in infertile males – The project mandate is to identify the cause of male infertility.
Research Associate (RA) :Issues of reproductive health with particular emphasis on functional reversal and teratogenicity of RISUG induced intravasal contraception.
Post Doctoral Fellow: Investigations on sperm acrosomal proteins SP-10 as vaccine candidate for male contraception.
Awards and Recognitions
Nominated as Member Scientist, International Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Vaxcigen Lifesciences Pvt Ltd. (2022).
- Best oral Presentation Award: National Conference on changes in lifestyle influencing Adolescent Health (2019).
Ongoing Research project:
- Animal House Facility, Vaxcigen Lifesciences, Solan, HP (Role: IAEC Member)
- Development of Tetanus Vaccine, Vaxcigen Lifesciences, Solan, HP (Role: Scientific Advisor)
- Development of Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine, Vaxcigen Lifesciences, Solan, HP (Role: Scientific Advisor)
Completed Research Projects:
- Preclinical investigations on the molecular mechanism of testicular/post testicular contraceptive effect of the seed products of Carica papaya.
- Etiology of abnormal sperm function in infertile males.
- Issues of reproductive health with particular emphasis on functional reversal and teratogenicity of RISUG induced intravasal contraception.
- Investigations on sperm acrosomal proteins SP-10 as vaccine candidate for male contraception.
Research Papers:
B. Manivannan, Shipra Goyal (2023): India's new drugs and clinical trial rules: Impact on clinical reproductive medicine.ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (31); 168-177. (ISSN:2395-2806)
Divya Jaimini and Shipra Goyal (2022): Suicide contemporary indisposition of pubscent’s fate rise of gaming in India. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (30); 87-90. (ISSN:2395-2806)
Avani Bhargava and Shipra Goyal (2022): Rise of gaming in India linking to Lifestyle disorders on Adolescents. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (30); 90-93. (ISSN:2395-2806)
Pooja Singh and Shipra Goyal (2022): Benefits of yoga and meditation in adolescents. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (30); 98-105. (ISSN:2395-2806)
Prerna Sharma and Shipra Goyal (2022): Psychological changes that occur during adolescence. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (30); 105-108. (ISSN:2395-2806)
Chelsea Agrawal, Ratna Saxena and Shipra Goyal (2022): Adolescents attitude to parental discipline. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol (30); 108-110. (ISSN:2395-2806)
- Boomi Manivannan and Shipra Goyal (2020). Regulatory roadmap for the use of Nanomaterials in reproductive health care. ISSRF Newsletter. Vol(26); 45-50. (ISSN:2395-2306)
- Reena Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, Shipra Goyal, Boomi Manivannan (2021). Key attributes for success of plant based meat alternative nutritional values, functional properties, suitability for diverse use and price parity. Journal of Nutrition Food Science and Technology; 1-4. (Impact Factor:3.574)
- Boomi Manivannan, Reena Sharma and Shipra Goyal (2021). Nanotechnology in reproductive health care. Journal of Pharmaceuticals Research and Development. 1-5. (ISSN 2694-5614)
Book chapters
- Shipra Goyal, Manivannan Kasturi, Reena Sharma and Boomi Manivannan (2021). Assisted reproductive technologies: an overview. Fundamentals of Medical Biotechnology; 147-170. (ISBN : 978-1-53619-393-0)
- Rajneesh Prajapat, Manivannan Kasturi, Boomi Manivannan, Shipra Goyal and Shraddha Sethi (2021). Medical biotechnology techniques and biomedical waste management. Fundamentals of Medical Biotechnology; 189-206. (ISBN: 978-1-53619-393-0)
Any other Highlights
Mentor for ISSRF newsletter articles (ISSN 2395-2806): Divya Jaimini (Suicide: Contemporary Indisposition of Pubescents’s Fate); Avani Bhargava (Rise of gaming in India linking to lifestyle disorders on adolescents); Chelsea Agarwal (Adolescents attitude to parental discipline); Pooja Singh (Benefits of yoga and meditation in Adolescents); Prerna Sharma (Psychological changes that occur during Adolescence).
- Organizing Secretary in A National Conference on “Lifestyle Diseases- A Matter of Concern to Adolescents” was organised by Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani under the auspices of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on the 17-18 September 2022.
- The lecture cum demonstration session on benefits of Yoga on adolescent lifestyle related disorders in A National conference on “Lifestyle Diseases- A Matter of Concern to Adolescents” was organised by Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani under the auspices of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on the 17-18 September 2022.
- Organised five days educational trip to DIU-Somnath-Gir for PG students. 30th March to 4th April, 2022.
- One week online Faculty Development Program on “Education as an equaliser: its evolution and relevance in gender equality”. October 10-16, 2022.
- Organised two days workshop on hands on training program on molecular biology techniques at Department of Zoology, KMM in collaboration with Experts Mol Bio and DNA Fingerprinting, New Delhi. (5-6th August, 2022)
- Member of NAAC Criteria report writing.
- Life member of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF).
- Life member of the Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (SAAE).
- Co-organizing Secretary in A National conference on “Lifestyle Diseases- A Matter of Concern to Adolescents” was organised by Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani under the auspices of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on the 17-18 September 2022.
- The lecture cum demonstration session on benefits of Yoga on adolescent lifestyle related disorders in A National conference on “Lifestyle Diseases- A Matter of Concern to Adolescents” was organised by Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani under the auspices of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) on the 17-18 September 2022.
- Organised two days workshop on hands on training program on molecular biology techniques at Department of Zoology, KMM in collaboration with Experts Mol Bio and DNA Fingerprinting, New Delhi. (2022)
- Resource person (trainer) in Faculty Development Programme under the aegis of Teaching Learning Center on Softwares for Academic and Endeavour” held on 5th January 2021.
- Two week Refresher Course in ‘Life Sciences’. Organized by Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Miranda House, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching. September 1-15, 2021.
- Member of Organizing Committee of Inauguration of Virtual Labs Nodal Centre & Hands on E-workshop organized by KMM in collaboration with Virtual Lab, IIT Delhi, under NMEICT, Jaipur. February 9, 2021.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Know How of Virtual Learning’. . Organized by Kanoria P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur. August 10-17, 2020.
- Four Week Orientation/ Induction Programme for ‘Faculty in Universities / Colleges / Institutes of Higher Education’. Organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Under the aigis of Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching. June 26 - July 24, 2020.
- Panelist in a webinar entitled “Strategies on drug Development” organized by Shandi Global Pvt. Ltd., Singapore.June 20, 2020.
- Five days "Online Training Programme on Advanced Excel & Statistical Analysis". Organized by A.S.Research Foundation, Jaipur in association with Global Research Foundation, Delhi. June 8 - 12, 2020.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Open Source Tools for Research’. Organized by Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi. Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching. June 8-14, 2020.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on ‘Know-How of Virtual Learning’. Organized by Kanoria P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya (KMM), Jaipur. May 20-26, 2020.
- Panelist in a webinar entitled “Scope of Biotechnology in COVID-19 Pandemic” organized by Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pillani. May 20, 2020.
- Member of Organizing committee of one day workshop on “Capacity Building for Assessing Jaipur City Biodiversity Index 2019” organized by KMM and Rajasthan state biodiversity board, Jaipur. November 16, 2019.
- Member of organizing committee in the 8th International Symposium and Conference on Growth of Strat-Up Ecosystem and Innovative Business Incubation: Role of Higher Education Institution of India. Organized by KMM in association with GAP. February 9, 2019.
- Two days workshop on “Bio-informatics and Bio-instrumentation”. Organised by University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. January 7-8, 2019.
- Recognized as best coordinator for organizing advanced hands on the workshop on “Molecular Biology Techniques and Molecular Marker Analysis Method’ organized by KMM in association with Escherichia Genomics Private Limited New Delhi, Jaipur. 29 September 2018.
- Member of organizing committee in the National Seminar on “Innovative Approaches in Biosciences” Organized by KMM in collaboration with ISCA, Jaipur Chapter and NABARD. December 15-16, 2017.
- Certificate course on “Organic Agriculture Management” organised by KMM in association with M.R. Morarka-GDC Rural Research Foundation, Jaipur. Academic session 2016-17.
- One day workshop on Applications of HPLC organized by Seminal Applied Sciences Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur. July 4, 2016.
- G P Talwar Young Scientist Award (Gold Medal): International Conference on Repromics-Omics in Reproduction and Development & 23rd Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) in Thiruvananthapuram. February 7-9, 2013.
- Best Oral Presentation (Awarded Silver Medal): International Conference on Reproductive Health with Emphasis on Strategies for Family Planning & 22nd Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) organized by Division of Reproductive Health & Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. 19th -21st February, 2012.
- Sixteen days workshop on Reproductive and Genetic Toxicology. Organized by NIRRH, Parel Mumbai. March 26- April 10, 2007.
- One month training course on Instrumentation in Pharma Industry Towards Vaccine Production at Panacea Biotech Ltd., New Delhi. August 3-September 3, 2006.
- One week workshop on “Electrophoresis Techniques” organized by Institute of Electrophoresis, Biotech-Yercaud, Yercaud, Tamil Nadu, India. June 1-6, 2004.
- Twelve days training course on application of research techniques in Reproductive Biomedicine. Organized by NIHFW, New Delhi, India. July 12-23, 2004.
- Diploma in Computer Programming and Applications- Millennium Curriculum from Tulec Computer Education, Tata Infotech Ltd. Jaipur (July, 1999).
- Invited as a delegate/resource person/invited speakers and presented papers/posters in no. of National/ International Conferences.
- More than fifty Webinars/Conferences(national/international)/Seminars/Workshops were attended.
- Total nineteen publications in different national and international reputed Journals.
Name: Dr. Chetna Sharma
Qualification: M.Sc. (Environmental Biology), Ph.D. Zoology Thesis entitled '' Evaluation of Contraceptive Efficacy of Methanolic extract of Citrullus colocynthis in male rats".
Experience: 13 years
Research Papers
- Chetna Sharma,P.C. Mali and M. Chaturvedi (2015).Evaluation of contraceptive efficacy of methanol extract of Citrullus colocynthis fruits in male wistar rats. Medicinal Drug Research Journal,Volume-03, Issue-02, pp: 06-14, ISSN-2194- 9379.
- Dr. Chetna Sharma and Dr. Shalini Sharma (2020): Public Health and Intellectual Property Rights ; Proceedings on National Seminar on IPR Managerment in Biodiversity Conservation: Implications of Access Benefit Sharing, TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts, published by Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur; pp: 28-31, ISBN:978-93-5396-760-4.
Books & Chapters
- Chetna Sharma (2016).Chapter “Toxicology” published in edited book ‘Environmental Toxicology’ published by M. R. Publications, New Delhi; ISBN-978-93-86125-65-1.
- Chetna Sharma (2018).Book “Vaigyanik Prayog”. Published by Asha Publications. ISBN-978-93- 85448-17-1.
Name: Dr. Shalini Sharma
Qualification: M.Sc. (Microbiology), Ph.D. (Neurological Manifestation of Fluoride and it's Mitigation Through Emblica officinalis in Rats)
Experience: 05 years
Research Papers
- Bhinda, S and Sharma, J. D.: Beneficial effects of Emblica officinalis on fluoride induced toxicity on Brain biochemical indexes and learning-memory in rats. Int.; 22 (1): 35-39.
- Shalini Bhinda. Mitigating Effects of Emblica Officinalis on Fluorosis.
- Shalini Bhinda. Effects of fluoride exposure on Learning-Memory in Rats.
- Shalini Sharma and Dr. Chetna Sharma. Public Health and Intellectual Property Rights.
- National Conference on Herbal Medicine. Current Strategies and Future Prospects, 2015.
- National Workshop on Applications of Computational Tools in Medicine and Biology, 2015.
- International conference on Environmental Changes and their Impact on Plants and Human Health. 2018.
- Workshop on Bio-informatics and Bioinstrumentation. 2019
- Workshop on Capacity Building for Assessing Jaipur City Biodiversity Index, 2019.
- National Conference on Changes in Lifestyle influencing Adolescent Health, 2019.
- National Seminar on IPR Management in Biodiversity Conservation Implications of Access Benefit Sharing TRIP/CBD and Biodiversity Acts.
- FDP on Know- Howof Virtual Learning (2020). Kanoria P.G. Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur.
- FDP on Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCS (2020). Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
- Webinar on Techniques in Molecular Biology (2020). Deptt.of Zoology, Univ. of Raj.
Support Staff:
Name: Ms.Krishna Sharma Qualification: B.A., Library Diploma, Experience: 25 Years Name: Mr. Rajesh Kumar Bairwa Qualification: M.Com., Computer (Basic), Tally Experience: 12 Years Name: Mr. Naval Kishore Devatwal Qualification: Secondary Experience: 11 Years
UG0802 - (Three/Four Year Undergraduate Programme) (B.Sc.)
Subject : Zoology
Theory | Practical | |
I Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-51T-101- Diversity & Biology of Non-Chordates | Practical Based: UG0802 -ZOO-51P-102- Practicals based on Diversity & Biology of Non-Chordates |
II Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-52T-103- Diversity of Chordates and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates | UG0802 -ZOO-52P-104- Practicals based on Diversity of Chordates and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates |
III Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-63T-201- Economic Zoology & Ethology | UG0802 -ZOO-63P-202- Practicals based on Economic Zoology & Ethology |
IV Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-64T-203- Cell Biology & Genetics, Biotechnology | UG0802 -ZOO-64P-204- Cell Practicals based on Biology & Genetics, Biotechnology |
V Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-75T-301- Animal Physiology & Biochemistry | UG0802 -ZOO-75P-302- Practicals based on Animal Physiology & Biochemistry |
VI Semester | UG0802 -ZOO-76T-303- Microbiology, Immunology & Biostatistics | UG0802 -ZOO-76P-304- Practicals based on Microbiology, Immunology & Biostatistics |
UG Course
B.Sc. (Zoology): Semester Scheme
PG Course
M..Sc.-Zoology (Semester Scheme)
Program Outcomes Upon completion of Programme in Zoology, the students will be able to:- PO1 – Gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understands the complex interactions among various living organisms
- PO2 – Analyse complex interactions among the various animals of different phyla, their distribution and their relationship with the environment
- PO3 – Apply the knowledge of internal structure of cell, its functions in control of various metabolic functions of organisms.
- PO4 – Understands the complex evolutionary processes and behaviour of animals
- PO5 – Correlates the physiological processes of animals and relationship of organ systems
- PO6 – Understanding of environmental conservation processes and its importance, pollution control and biodiversity and protection of endangered species
- PO7 – Gain knowledge of Small Scale industries like sericulture, fish farming and vermicompost preparation.
- PO8 – Understands about various concepts of genetics and its importance in human health
- PO9 – Apply the knowledge and understanding of Zoology to one’s own life and work
- PO10 – Develops empathy and love towards the animals
- PO11 – Prepare successful professionals in industry, government, academia, research, entrepreneurial pursuits and consulting firms and face and succeed in high level competitive examinations like NET, GATE.
- PO12 – Enhancing the technical skills for experimental purposes.
- Junior scientific officer, Biology teaching in schools, Junior Zookeeper, Junior Zoology Research officer, Animal and Wildlife Conservationist.
- The various government jobs available for a post-graduate Zoology Candidate are:
- Assistant Professor, Research Associate, Wildlife Conservationist, Wildlife Campaign Officer, Field Officer, Wildlife Project Officer
- Jobs available in the private sector for a post-graduate Zoology candidate are:
- Wildlife media consultant, Naturalist, Assistant campaign officer, Wildlife project manager, Assistant Professor, Wildlife Programme officer, Zoologist, Associate Editor Zoology.




Year | Date | Type of Activity | Collaborating agency |
2016-17 | 4th July, 2016 | Workshop: 2-day hands on training programme | Seminal Applied Sciences, Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur |
13th August, 2016 | Workshop: post graduate programme | Biotechnology Department | |
25th July, 2016 | Ice Breaking Activities | - | |
5th October, 2016 | Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
16th November, 2016 | Powerpoint presentations | - | |
2nd December, 2016 | Science Exhibition: Charts and models | - | |
20th January, 2017 | Guest Lecture: Mr. Suraj Sharma | Let's Talk Academy | |
10-11th September, 2016 | Visit:National Seminar | Birla Balika Vidhyapeeth, Pillani | |
2017-18 | 28th July, 2017 | Guest Lecture: Prof. P.P. Bakre | Indore |
22nd November, 2017 | Powerpoint presentations | - | |
1st-8th October, 2017 | Wildlife week | Different schools | |
6th October, 2017 | Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
3rd November, 2017 | Visit: World Forestry Arboretum | - | |
4th January, 2018 | Visit:Saras Dairy Plant | - | |
29th November, 2017 | Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
1st December, 2017 | World AIDS Day | - | |
28th November, 2017 | Science Exhibition: Charts and models | - | |
15-16th December, 2017 | National Seminar: Innovative approaches in biosciences | - | |
2018-19 | 29th September, 2018 | Workshop: Advanced hands on DNA workshop | Escherichia Genomics Pvt., Ltd.,New Delhi |
15-16th September, 2018 | Visit: National Conference on Awareness of changes in Lifestyle Influencing Adolescent Health | Birla Balika Vidhyapeeth, Pillani | |
5th October,2018 | Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
9th November, 2018 | Power point presentations | - | |
5th December, 2018 | Science Exhibition: Charts and models | - | |
2019-20 | 23rd August, 2019 | Visit: officers 'Training Institute, Jaipur | - |
16th September, 2019 | World Ozone Day | Forest Research Institute, Jaipur | |
19-20th September, 2019 | Workshop: 2-Day hands on DNA workshop on Tools Technique in Molecular Biology | Seminal Applied Sciences, Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur | |
1st October, 2019 | Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
15th October, 2019 | Workshop: Insect Identification and preservation techniques | Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur | |
1st December, 2019 | World AIDS Day | Different schools | |
5th December, 2019 | Science Exhibition: Charts and models | - | |
10th December, 2019 | Powerpoint presentations | - | |
Mentoring session | - | ||
2020-21 | 1st-10th June, 2020 | Intercollege online quiz competition on Zoology | 26 colleges |
19th September, 2020 | Participation in National webinar : Adolescent Health | - | |
2nd-8th October, 2020 | Wildlife week (Virtual) | - | |
5th October, 2020 | Virtual Visit:Study of behavioural aspects of the wild animals | Nahargarh Biological Park, Amber | |
4th October, 2020 | Interactive session: Reptilian Conservation | Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer | |
5th October, 2020 | Power-point competition | - | |
2nd-6th October, 2020 | Bird photography | - | |
7th October, 2020 | Participation in National webinar: Sustaining all life forms on earth | Indian Human Ecology Council (Chec India) | |
1st December, 2020 | World AIDS Day | - | |
2021-22 | 29 July | International Tiger Day (Quiz) | - |
12th August | World Elephant Day (Quiz) | - | |
4th September | International Vulture Awareness Day (Guest Lecture) | - | |
First Week of October | Wild Life Week Celebration | - | |
Third Week of October | Field Trip (Jhalana Jungle Safari / Nahargarh Biological Park / Butterfly Garden) | - | |
Third Week of November | In House Seminar (Power Point Presentations) | - | |
1st December | World AIDS Day Workshop for PG Students | - | |
Second Week of December | Science Exhibition (Charts and Models) | - | |
Second Week of January | Award Social Responsibility | - | |
2022-23 | 5-6 August, 2022 | Workshop: 2-Day hands on DNA workshop on Advances in Molecular Biology Techniques | Experts Mol Bio and DNA Fingerprinting |
17-18 September 2022 | Participation in National conference on “Lifestyle Diseases- A Matter of Concern to Adolescents” | Birla Balika Vidyapeeth, Pilani under the auspices of the Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF) | |
2-8th, October, 2022 | Wild Life Week Celebration | - | |
16-17th November 2022 | Science Exhibition (Charts and Models) | Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Psychology, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Physics, Statistics | |
1st December, 2022 | World AIDS Day: Exhibition of Posters on ‘Spread the Awareness End the Stigma’ | Participation of B.Sc Part I, II & III, students | |
9th January, 2023 | One Day Hands on Workshop: Visit to Barkheda to study faunal diversity. Field experience to capture the images using a DSLR Camera. Interactive session on ‘Basics of wildlife Photography’ | Participation of PG students. Resource person : Prof. Renu Kohli Assistant Director College Education, Regional Office, Jodhpur | |
2023-24 | 12th Septembe,2023 | Hands on workshop on Biodiversity : the art of capturing pinning and identifying insect pollinators of Rajasthan | Dr Santosh Charan, Assistant Professor, Departmnet of Zoology, Universityof Rajasthan, Jaipur |
16th September,2023 | World Ozone Day: Open Mic interactive session on “Montreal Protocol: Fixing the Ozone Layer and Reducing Climate" Change” | Participation of UG, PG students | |
2nd October, 2023 to 8th October, 2023 | Wild Life Week Celebration: BioQuest: Wildlife Species ID Challenge; Wildlife Artistry Challenge: Replica of Real ;Nahargarh Biological Park Visit; Jaipur Zoo Visit | Participation of UG, PG students | |
28th February, 2024 | National Science Day: Model & Chart Exhibition | Different Science Department Students Participated |
Year | Registration number/roll number for the exam | Names of students selected/qualified NET |
June, 2019 | 370077 | Astha Mathur |
June, 2019 | 355445 | Garima |
June, 2019 | 324724 | Kanika Sharma |
Dec., 2019 | RJ0616204812 | Nidhi Sharma |
June, 2019 | 355308 | Tanisha Gupta |
March, 2022 | RJ06006282 | Parul Jangir |
March, 2022 | RJ06007641 | Anjali Sain |
March, 2022 | RJ06007452 | Jyoti Soni |
Name of student enrolling into higher education | Program graduated from | Name of Institution joined | Name of programme admitted to |
Astha Mathur | M.Sc. Zoology | Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur | Ph.D. (MPAT, 2018) |
Monika Yadav | M.Sc. Zoology | Department of Zoology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur | Ph.D. (MPAT, 2018) |
Kanicka Sharma | M.Sc. Zoology | IISER, Mohali | Persuing Ph.D. 2019 |
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